Rags to Riches: Chapter One


She opened her eyes slowly, her head was pounding. She tried to rub her forehead but realized her hands were strapped to the chair she was sitting on.

“Hello? Where am I?” she yelled. 

She struggled and tugged trying to break free but whoever strapped her to the chair did it well. 

She looked around, she was in a small dark room with a very dim light above her. There was a window screen in front of her and a small door probably leading to the other side of the window.

She tried to recollect what happened and how she got here. She remembered the man that called himself Nathan of Evil corp. That bastard probably kidnapped her and would think to hold her for ransom.

Too bad for him, he might as well just kill her because nobody is going to pay him a dime. Tanya would definitely not let her father pay anything. 

“Hey! Who the hell do you think you are, kidnapping me? You want money? You're not gonna get any, you're just wasting your time”

She glanced around thinking of a way to escape, the door was not too far away, it was probably locked which means she'll either have to pick the lock or break the door. 

She ruled out picking the lock, unless she can find a way to release her hands, picking the lock was out of the picture. 

She started stretching her legs one after the other, dragging the chair as she did so. It made a loud screeching sound as it moved, which irritated her ears.

Once she was just inches away from the door, she silently thanked God she took Kung Fu classes as she lifted her feet off the ground, aimed and gave the door a very powerful kick. It swung open immediately with a loud thud.

“Ouch!” she heard a guy's voice with a very thick accent “you broke my nose!”

He popped his head in, he was a very short man with the most hideous face she had ever seen. 

He looked like an annoying little elf with ugly, unkempt red beards masking the lower half of his face, his head was bald and shining. 

Just looking at him made her angry. He had one hand on his nose and when he dropped it, she saw that it was purple, she had indeed broken his nose.

She felt very proud of that. 

“I'll break more than your nose if you don't let me go!” she fired

“But we can't let you go. At least not yet…”

“Excuse me, where the hell are you from? Your accent is annoying” she cut in.

He looked taken aback for a second 

“You got a nasty little tongue lady. Too bad I can't rip it out of your equally nasty mouth…”

“Try me, I'll rip your head right off your neck before you even say Jack”

The man gave a hearty laugh

“Fiesty huh? Just like your mother”

Chelsea frowned in confusion 

“Wait, excuse me? You know my mother?”

“Who doesn't? To not know her would be a crime. The name Sierra Scott brings fear into the hearts of all her enemies…”

“That's enough Rob, you may leave now!” Nathan said as he entered with four other unsmiling people, they were all dressed in black, each had a pair of dark shades on, there were three other men besides Nathan and one woman, she was wearing a black body hugging jumpsuit with a black leather jacket on it and black pair of sneakers, her brown hair was held up in a tight bun.

The men, including Nathan, were wearing black suits with black pants and coincidentally, they all had black hair.

“Who are you and what do you want from me?” Chelsea asked furiously

“The resemblance is uncanny, she looks so much like Sierra.” the woman said

“Unstrap her!” Nathan commanded one of the men and he made his way toward her.

“Touch me and you die!” Chelsea growled.

The man looked to Nathan for reassurance and he nodded but the moment he touched her hand, she headbutted him smack on the face, adding him to the list of men whose nose she broke. 

The man held his face and bleeding nose while groaning in pain and the woman laughed.

“Just like Sierra.” she said 

“Stop saying my mother's name!” Chelsea fired. “What I wanna know right now is who the hell you people are and why you kidnapped me. You…!” 

She turned to Nathan.

“Nathan is it? What the hell did you do to me? You want money? Well you kidnapped the wrong person, you won't be getting a cent from or for me…”

“Miss Chelsea, we did not kidnap you, please let us explain but to do that, we have to unstrap you. Will you let us do that?” Nathan asked pleadingly

She frowned as she analyzed their faces, they didn't look trustworthy but if she's going to escape, she needed to play along.

“Fine!” she said finally.

They all heaved a sigh of relief as Nathan came forward to unstrap her.

“Come on Steve! You're a man. Fix your nose.” Nathan ordered the man who still held his bleeding nose. 

Steve held his nose and twisted it—it made a cracking sound—then he grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood, while glaring at Chelsea.

When Nathan was done unstrapping her, she rose to her feet and they seem to cower a bit as they all took a step backwards. 

She glared at each and every one of them, calculating how she'll take them down if she wanted to escape. They all looked dangerous but fear was in their composure. They were afraid of her, which was good, she could use that fear against them later. 

She turned her attention to Nathan who had also taken some steps back.

“So? Go on, explain yourselves” she commanded.

“We'll need you to please come with us, to explain ourselves better, there's something we must show you first.”

She still didn't trust them but she also needed to study her environment so escaping won't be difficult for her.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, show me!”

“This way, Miss” the woman gestured as they gave way for her to go first. 

She had barely taken three steps when she realized that they could attack her from behind. She turned, gave a feigned sweet smile and said,

“On second thought, why don't you guys stay ahead, I'm not familiar with this place so I shouldn't be in front” 

They exchanged glances, shrugged and proceeded ahead. They walked down a very long hallway till they got to a door. Nathan opened the door and they all went in one after the other, when she entered, she shut the door gently behind her and looked around.

The place looked like a lab but for weapons, there were different kinds of weapons, many of which she had never seen before. There were test tubes, jetpacks, clothes that looked like uniform, a giant flat screen TV was plastered on the wall and a man in a lab coat was there. 

He looked nervously at them and Nathan nodded. He pressed a button on a remote and the TV screen came on. 

A woman appeared on the screen

“My beautiful daughter…”

“Mom?” Chelsea gasped. 


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