Rags to Riches: Prologue

 â€œGet out! Get your things and get the hell out of here!” The angry manager snarled as she flung Chelsea’s things out. 

“You need to chill out!” Chelsea fired back as she dodged a spoon that was hurled at her 

The angry middle aged manager stood outside with her one hand on her hip and the other wagging at Chelsea “don’t you ever come near this place again you psycho!”

“So what, you don’t know how to have a little fun?” Chelsea asked with an amused expression 

“If your idea of fun is setting my shop on fire, then you need help. Serious help”

“Whatever!” Chelsea spat as she turned around to leave.

What was wrong with people? This is the third job she’d been fired from this month and it’s only the sixteenth day of the month. She was dreading going back home now. Tanya would surely gloat at her failure, she enjoyed watching her fail and her father, a pushover as usual would not say anything. 

She hated that woman, she’s the reason her father doesn’t have any relationship with her, all he cares about is Tanya’s happiness.

“Tanya wouldn’t like that, Chelsea, Tanya says we can’t afford to send you to college, Chelsea, Tanya this, Tanya that” 

She was sick and tired of that woman and luckily for her, she wasn’t a weak pushover like her father. She always made sure she got what she deserves. 

She sat at the staircase outside the public library hating her life. At twenty five years of age, Chelsea couldn’t keep a job, she dropped out of school because her father claimed they couldn’t afford it, she’s been to jail thrice, she grew up with no knowledge of who her mother was and every time she tried to ask her father, he dismissed it. Sometimes, whenever she does something terrible, he’ll say things like,

“You are just like your mother. Keep doing that and you’ll end up like your mother. This is why your mother can’t show her face again”

Whatever he meant by that, only God knows. 

But she did know she wasn’t like any other normal people, she was different. Different in the sense that, growing up, she enjoys doing terrible things like stealing, shoplifting, getting into fights and winning and inflicting harm upon anyone who wronged her.

One time when she was ten, she poured yellow food coloring into her stepmother’s shampoo bottle because she scolded her for her bad grades. 

She ran out of the bathroom yelling and cursing while her father tried to pacify her.

“I’m gonna kill her, where’s that bastard girl, where is that demon?” Tanya screamed as her yellow hair dripped all over her shoulders , her towel and the floor.

“Honey, calm down. She didn’t mean it…” her father tried to say. 

“Didn’t mean it? That little devil meant it, she did this intentionally. I’m gonna kill her.” 

She lunged at her but her father quickly grabbed her and they both slipped and fell hard on the ground. Chelsea burst out in a wicked laughter at the sight.

“Aww, too bad” she said with clearly feigned sympathy and visible sarcasm then she skipped off happily.

That night, she received a long talk from her father about why she’s not supposed to behave that way and how she needed to ‘apologize to Tanya’ 

“You need to stop doing things like this. Why do you enjoy causing people pain?” 

He sighed and rubbed his temple before mumbling, “You are just like your mother.”

Then with a firmer tone, he said, “You're going to apologize to Tanya and not only that, you're grounded for the rest of summer break and that means no more playing with friends until you learn your lesson. You will remain in this room and reflect on your actions. You hear me?”

She just stared blankly at him and when he saw he won't be getting a response, he left in anger.

Sure she did apologize—with her tongue in her cheek of course—she also made sure she left her a little present in her wardrobe to ensure her apology was well received. She kept dozens of moths in her wardrobe and laughed in her bedroom the next morning when she heard Tanya’s loud screams.

Her father did remain true to his words on grounding her, but after three days of torment from Chelsea, he caved and allowed her out of the house.

She went to juvie once when she was thirteen for assaulting a teacher. The teacher, Miss Crosby, embarrassed her in front of the whole class when she brought her out to the front of the class and made a mockery of her for failing a quiz. Chelsea had been so mad, she saw red, jumped on the teacher and started pulling her hair, punching her face and biting her. She ended up pulling out a handful of hair, giving her two black eyes and a broken nose. She was immediately expelled and sent to juvie. 

Over the years of her life, she had been expelled from five different schools and been to eight other schools.

Now sitting on a stair, she decided to accept her fate, go home and face whatever consequences await her. She would deal with it the same way she dealt with any of her challenges, by punching, pranking or hurting her way through it.


A dangerous looking man in a dark suit and black sunglasses approached her. His whole face screamed danger and he looked like he could murder her right on the spot.

“Miss Ryan…”

“Scott!” She fired back 


“It’s Ryan-Scott!” She answered 

“Oh…kay? Miss Ryan-Scott, I’m Nathan. I work with Evil corp, I'm gonna need you to come with me”

Chelsea burst into laughter. 

“Evil corp? Yeah, that sounds very believable” 

She started to walk away but the man grabbed her arm. She swung around, gave him a below the belt kick and kneed his stomach. He released her arm and clutched his crotch area while groaning in pain

“Don't ever touch me again!” she spat as she turned to leave.

She had only taken four steps when she felt a piece of cloth being placed over her mouth and nose. She was about to say something when everything went dark.

Hey guys, chapter one will be released tomorrow, same time.


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